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Football Time in Tennessee

It is crazy to think that it is almost football time in Tennessee. The Pro Football Hall of Fame game was the other day, and training camps are in full swing. I heard the high school had a scrimmage the other day. The University of Tennessee kicks off their season on August 31st. What I want to do in this article is take some football terminology and think about it biblically.


We all need to be cheerleaders and have cheerleaders in our lives. What I mean by that is that we all need to be encouraged and be encouragers. Hebrews 3:13


An interception is when the defense catches the ball intended for an offensive player. We need to intercept those who are on the devil’s side before it is too late. Galatians 6:1


You only have so much time in the game before it is over, so you have to have clock management. We only have so much time in this life, and we need to manage it for the glory of God. Ephesians 5:15-16


The offense only has four downs to get ten yards so they can keep the ball. The only way to get a touchdown is to advance the ball. We need to keep advancing (growing) in life. 2 Peter 3:18


A blitz is when the defense tries to send more players than the offense can block so they can get to the quarterback. The devil will try to blitz us. 1 Peter 5:8


The offense has two main ways of moving the ball: run or pass. We need to be passing our faith on to others. Matthew 28:19-20


Sometimes in the game someone will call a timeout to talk to the team or let them rest. We need a spiritual timeout from the world sometimes. Take time to study. Acts 17:11


The best way to score more points than your opponent is by scoring a touchdown. Some might refer to the end zone (where you score a touchdown) as the promised land. Our goal is the promised land, also. Revelation 21:1-7


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