I think most of us would say that we love our spouse. That would be a biblical thing to say (Titus 2:4; Ephesians 5:33). If we do not, then we need to repent and love them as the Bible teaches. The question I want to ask is: do you like your spouse? Is there a difference? I think so. I can love someone and do the right thing but not like them and, in turn, do it for the wrong reason.
Why is this even a concern? When you are dating, you like each other and want to spend time together so you can get to know each other better. You usually marry someone you like. What happens? Life. Now that you are married, you live together, and it is hard to live with people. You do things a certain way, and they do it another way. You cannot go out to eat all the time so someone needs to fix food, but you both work. You do not live at your parents’ house so someone needs to do laundry and clean. Someone needs to work so you have money to buy things. You do not always see eye to eye on how to spend that money. There is sickness and financial struggles, etc. Then kids. We go from the couple that went to ballgames or hiking or vacations or whatever your things were to people having to deal with life. And life can be tough. When we do not become one (Genesis 2:24) by working together, we can start working against each other and become roommates at best and at worst enemies.
I want to challenge you to enjoy each other (Proverbs 5:18). Yes, I know that is talking about more than going to a movie or dinner together, but I think we need to step away from life sometimes and enjoy each other. It does not have to be a week long or expensive. But the joy you find in each other can keep your love strong.
My thanks to Adam Faughn for his thoughts that inspired this article.